Why Go Green
Green is the new black

Green is the new black. In fact, it has been the new black for a while, with environmentally responsible companies the world over looking for cost-effective, high-impact ways to become more environmentally friendly.
Since online signature came along, which enables fill and sign document on line where more than 2.28 billion documents have been signed electronically instead of getting printed out. This has helped to save:
- Over 10 billion pieces of paper
- 316,000 barrels of oil
- 27,210 cars' worth of CO2 per year
Clearly, going paperless is a big tick for the environment. Here are the reasons why.
1. Save trees
Worldwide, use of paper has risen by 400% in the last 40 years. This increased usage takes a huge toll on trees. Rapid deforestation - much of it to produce paper products - is a huge concern for our environment. Trees play a critical role in absorbing CO2 from our atmosphere and producing oxygen to support life on our planet. By reducing or eliminating your use of paper, you are doing your bit to preserve the life of trees.
2. Cut down on pollution
Did you know that paper manufacturing is one of the worst offenders when it comes to pollution? Making one tonne of paper emits more than 1.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Using less of the stuff will help to reduce the number of pollutants in our atmosphere.
3. Reduce transport
Every document that is transported across town or across the world uses up fuel. And the burning of fuel releases greenhouse gases. By switching to a digital document sending solution - where a signed and secure document is sent with the click of a button - a lot of fuel can be saved.
4. Save water
It takes 1.5 cups of water to make 1 sheet of paper. In a world in which fresh drinking water is a growing concern, this is certainly food for thought. By going paperless in your office, you are helping to conserve our world's water sources.
5. Use less of the other stuff
It's not just the use of paper that's bad for the environment. There are the other consumables that go along with it - like ink. Production of ink uses fossil fuels; most inks contain chemicals and other substances that are harmful to our environment.